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How Clean Is Your Swimming Pool?

5 Steps for Healthy Swimming

How Clean Is Your Swimming Pool?

Swimming pool cleaning expert, Mike Brown, discusses the steps you can take to help prevent bacteria from getting in the pool water. Mike is a Certified Pool Operator (CPO) and Owner of the ASP franchise location in Wilmington, NC.

ASP proudly supports healthy and safe swimming: Make an effort this summer to help protect yourself and other swimmers from germs or injury around the swimming pool and hot tub.

5 Steps for Healthy Swimming:

  1. Test the water frequently.

  2. Properly shock* the water after a high bather load. *IMPORTANT: Contact an ASP pool professional for before shocking the water.

  3. Shower before you get in the water.

  4. Stay out of the water if you have diarrhea.

  5. Avoid swallowing the water.

Visit the CDC website to learn more about healthy swimming information and resources available in your state.

Discover for yourself why we are the pool service leader. Visit to schedule a visit from your local ASP pool professional.